Post-Modernism & Relativism, Naturalism and Secular Humanism, Eastern Mysticism and New Age… waves of thought and ideas that are competing for the minds of people in the very same communities to whom we are share Christ with.
In Surfing the World’s Waves, Adrian illustrates that just as magician can fool the eyes with sleight of hand, so can false worldview ideas fool the mind. With an entertaining and refreshing approach, Adrian guides listeners through the basic ideas and prevalent worldviews that influence us through media and entertainment every day.
Adrian is an accomplished speaker and student of worldviews and religions. Having traveled to over 40 countries on six continents and speaking in 25, Adrian has dialogued, debated, and studied with Muslim clerics in the middles east, Buddhist monks in East Asia, Eastern mystics in South Asia, and Atheists and Agnostics in the streets of downtown London. Adrian likes to do his homework.
This instructional and entertaining presentation will have your people strengthened in the Christian faith and people in your community challenged by the Christian Worldview as the only reasonable and meaningful way to live life. Audience will finally understand that worldview ideas have consequences and being politically correct and pluralistic can be hazardous to our health – our eternal health.
This event is very customizable and can be tailored to focus on many relevant issues any church seeks to shed light on: Does God exist? Is the bible historically accurate and can it reasonably be believed as words from God? Did Jesus come back from the Dead? Aren’t all religions the same? How can Jesus be the only way? Should we ever critique other beliefs? Why is there evil if there is all-powerful good God? Did we really evolve from very ancient, lower life-forms?
As an entertainer and Christian apologist, Adrian shares from his own life through entertaining illustrations and visual media how Christ not only changed his heart but also transformed his mind.
For Available dates, be sure to Contact Us Today!